The Hopeful: an Adventist origin movie (part 1)

Adventist Record editor, Jarrod Stackelroth, sits down with Kyle Portbury, director of THE HOPEFUL movie, to be released in cinemas around Australia and New Zealand in October. We talk about the movie, how it can stimulate conversations with others about what we believe and why the story needed to be told in this way. The August issue of Signs magazine focuses on THE HOPEFUL and will be a good opportunity to share with a friend you hope to invite to the movie. #RecordLive Wednesdays 4pm AEST and podcast Friday mornings.

Listen in next week for Part 2.

NB: at the time of recording the movie was slated to release in August but the date was moved back to October 17. 

For more information, visit <>. 

The Hopeful: an Adventist origin movie (part 1)
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