Record Live is a conversation about life, spirituality and following Jesus in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Produced by Adventist Record, the official news magazine of the South Pacific Division, Record Live covers a variety of topics that matter to Adventists and always ends on a practical challenge for listeners. Hosts Jarrod Stackelroth and Zanita Fletcher talk about articles that have been in the magazine, interview special guests from areas including development, theology and social issues and wrestle with how faith applies to everyday life. 

Latest Episodes

Confessions of an unfaithful pastor

Being a pastor is not for the faint hearted. Today we speak with a pastor who wrote the article with this spicy title to find out more about what he meant by calling h...

What can we learn from the Islamic call to prayer?

Often travel and experiencing other cultures can teach us about our own lives and beliefs. Today we explore Zanita's trip to Morocco and what it taught her about praye...

Pass the keys: keeping young people at church

Development of faith happens at a very early age. We speak with Shaylee Walsh about keeping our young people, especially teenagers, in a relationship with Jesus, the p...

Why diet matters for mental health

Did you know that what you eat can have a bigger impact than first thought on your mood and mental health? In this conversation we find out more about the special life...

This leadership conversation applies to YOU!

We've titled today's episode to directly speak to your protesting that you're not a leader. But God has made us all leaders in some sphere or another and as Christians...

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