Record Live is a conversation about life, spirituality and following Jesus in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Produced by Adventist Record, the official news magazine of the South Pacific Division, Record Live covers a variety of topics that matter to Adventists and always ends on a practical challenge for listeners. Hosts Jarrod Stackelroth and Zanita Fletcher talk about articles that have been in the magazine, interview special guests from areas including development, theology and social issues and wrestle with how faith applies to everyday life. 

Latest Episodes

Is ordination biblical?

The issue of women's ordination has become a wedge issue in the Adventist Church, polarising communities and dividing "conservative' and "liberal" Adventists. Parties ...

How do I finish the year well?

On this episode, we've got a secret for you on how to finish the year well. Something that can help your mental health, your relationships and your spiritual life, thi...

The songs that inspire us

Songs are an important part of our faith. They provide a shared communal connection and inspiration. They encourage us and lift our hearts beyond the physical. Today w...

Fostering a relay-race faith

Have you ever felt tired in your role at church? Have you ever felt like you’re the only one doing anything? Today, more than ever before, church members are experienc...

How to be more welcoming at church

Is your church friendly? Warm to visitors? Could it improve? Does it matter? These questions and more today on #RecordLive. Wednesdays 4pm, Friday morning Podcasts.

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